Ep. 007:  Gay Rosenblum-Kumar: An Insider’s View of the Evolution of UN Peacebuilding Initiatives

Ep. 007: Gay Rosenblum-Kumar: An Insider’s View of the Evolution of UN Peacebuilding Initiatives

Susan interviews Gay Rosenblum –Kumar, a seasoned United Nations veteran, about her early career as a U.N. peace observer in South Africa and her later initiatives to co-develop the U.N.’s system of Peace Development Advisors (PDA’s). She provides examples of PDA initiatives in Ghana and Guyana, offers keen insight into the evolution of the peacebuilding field inside the U.N., and talks briefly about her most recent work with GAAMAC on genocide prevention.

Find her bio and show notes here.

Ep. 008:  Zachary Metz: Peace Writ Large, Peace Writ Small

Ep. 008: Zachary Metz: Peace Writ Large, Peace Writ Small

Ep. 006:  Ava Bynum: Sowing the Seeds of Peace in Public Schools

Ep. 006: Ava Bynum: Sowing the Seeds of Peace in Public Schools