Ep. 008:  Zachary Metz: Peace Writ Large, Peace Writ Small

Ep. 008: Zachary Metz: Peace Writ Large, Peace Writ Small

In this episode, Zach describes his extensive experience in different conflict-affected societies from Iraq to East Timor. Our conversation focuses on the conventional wisdom in the field that interventions must be systemic – “peace writ large” – if they are to be effective, and contrasts that thinking with the question of whether smaller initiatives – “peace writ small” -- can make a profound difference, particularly in pervasive, intractable conflict. Zach tells a specific and very moving anecdote about an event in 2005 Iraq in which a single intense interchange between participants embodied many of the identity group tensions in the war-torn country, while shifting the group to a different and much more cohesive place.

Find his bio and show notes here.

Ep. 009:  Loretta Raider: Interventions to Quell Election-Related Violence in Sierra Leone

Ep. 009: Loretta Raider: Interventions to Quell Election-Related Violence in Sierra Leone

Ep. 007:  Gay Rosenblum-Kumar: An Insider’s View of the Evolution of UN Peacebuilding Initiatives

Ep. 007: Gay Rosenblum-Kumar: An Insider’s View of the Evolution of UN Peacebuilding Initiatives